Sabtu, 10 September 2011

SPIDER-MAN 4 Trailer

At the beginning of the story of Spider-man 4, you'll see Peter Parker as Spider-Man 3 at the end of the story. He's still a superhero and running his career as a photographer, a career which has always been uphill because Peter has always worked hard and was appointed as Head of Branch Office in the Village, in this sequel to peter also been married to MJ and lead a domestic life like any other couple.
Spider-man and the Family was a walk in the City

In this sequel too many to tell family and household life of Peter Parker begins to live in a Metropolitan City until then Peter Parker had to stay in the village and still run the Profession as a superhero and photographer place at a branch office in one of the Village. In this sequel we can find a Spider-man who cares not only to human beings to be saved but with a lot of livestock kept by farmers (Farmer) in the Village.

The problem is on the superhero Spider-man 3 hit a symbiotic parasitic entity from outer space had landed on his body, in this sequel is also still there and still get attacked by the body but not give rise to Peter Parker in Spider-man 3 dmpak like that shows the dark side of Peter, this is because Peter has been immune to these symbiotic entity, but a symbiotic entity is no longer attached to the Spider-man costume which is black but embedded in the skin of the black Spider-man.


Anonim mengatakan...

Baru tahu ada Spiderman episode 4. thanks gan, artikel menarik.